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welcome to tinycrowd


tinycrowd is a trans, queer-led zine and artists’ collective that seeks to capture moments of intensity, banality and everything in between. we are interested in mundanity, and how simple moments of everyday connection allow us to build resilience -- strengthening our capacity to engage in community and opening up space to imagine what (art-based) resistance against systems and structures of oppression might look like for trans and queer artists


about tinycrowd

who are we?

tinycrowd is a trans, queer-led zine and artists’ collective that seeks to capture moments of intensity, banality and everything in between. we are interested in mundanity, and how simple moments of everyday connection allow us to build resilience -- strengthening our capacity to engage in community and opening up space to imagine what (art-based) resistance against systems and structures of oppression might look like for trans and queer artists

what do we do?

currently, we publish little online zines. we want to do workshops and build a bigger collective for trans and queer artists and other such thinkers and movers (both in person and online)

want to work with us?

want to write, think, make art or workshop together? all of the above? are you trans, queer and an artist in whatever form or capacity that takes? looking for a community of like-minded trans and queer artists? get in touch — email: | instagram: @tiny_crowd | twitter: @tiny_crowd_zine 


keep an eye out here on the website or on our socials for open calls for submissions to our zines and for info on any future workshops or informal get-togethers we hold!




we publish queer and trans artists and writers' work in whatever form that work takes.


to submit, email your work to
we get that it's hard to get work published, so we are fine with simultaneous submissions - just let us know if your work gets picked up elsewhere in the meantime.
send your work in a single PDF or word document along with a quick artist's bio in a separate document.


we publish queer and trans work in whatever form that takes - including fiction, poetry, short stories, flash fiction, non-fiction, personal essays, reviews, visual art, photography and whatever other form-and-medium-bending format(s) you desire.
we're looking for weird, gross, painful, enraged, tender, caring, collective, funny, wholly self-centred work... work that reaches its arms out in desperation, hoping to find a friendly hand in its disorientation... and more...
we cannot currently offer payment for accepted work(s) -- sigh -- but we hope to in the future. 
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